Adobe Lightroom – STATUSGREET BLOG Tech | Tips | News Sat, 26 Nov 2022 03:41:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Adobe Lightroom – STATUSGREET BLOG 32 32 Best 5+ Photo Editing Apps 2023 Tue, 23 Nov 2021 09:50:40 +0000 Read more

Photo Editing Apps : Friends, nowadays everyone wants to take their photo and share it on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, after being photographed, it comes to editing the photo because no matter how good we take a photo with a mobile or camera, but after that Some or the other deficiency remains in our photo.

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That’s why we need a photo editing app, friends, I am going to tell you the best 5 photo editing app for Android, with the help of which you can make your photo great.

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Friends, some people think that you will need a computer to edit your photo professionally, but it is not so, in today’s time you can make your photo great from your android mobile, so we will give you Best 7 Photo Editing Telling app for Android. So that you can edit your photo from mobile itself.

Friends, although you will find many photo editing apps on the Play store, but the photo editing apps that I am going to tell you are the best, you can use any of the apps mentioned below to edit photos.

1) Adobe Lightroom Photo Editing App

Friends, earlier Adobe company was famous for making photo editing software for computer, but in today’s time everyone uses mobile more, so this company now makes photo editing apps for mobile like Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop Express, Adobe Photoshop. Fix, Adobe Photoshop Mix etc. for android or iOS have started coming in both the phones.

And in the coming time, all the big companies that make software for computers, now they are slowly making apps for mobile because computer is not available to everyone but ak mobile is with everyone. And most of the people use their mobile. Let’s edit the photo from itself.

Friends, although all the basic features are present in this app to edit photos, but it has some advanced features which make this app special, so let’s know its features.

Features of Adobe Lightroom Photo Editing App

Friends, the most special features of this app is that you can apply effedt on someone else’s photo in just one click on your photo, this effect is called presets effect which is very great if I like any photo. If yes, then I can put its effect in my photo.

  • Through this app you can blur small parts of your photo.
  • In this app you can change skin tone or brightness, color like this a lot.
  • Friends, as I told you above that the features of Adode Lightroom photo editing app are slightly different from all other apps which make this app special.
  • Friends, if you are a good photo editor, then you will soon learn to run this app, but even if you do not do photo editing everyday, it is very easy to run this app, in just a few days, you will learn, according to us you You can use this app to edit photos, although there are other apps mentioned below, you can use that app to edit photos whatever you like.

2) PicsArt Photo Editing App

PicsArt is such a Photo Editing App that is called the master of all photo editing apps. With the help of PicsArt, you can do all the things that you do in the rest of the Photo Editing App, you can download PicsArt for free on both Android and ISO platforms. You can also get the paid version of PicsArt, which you will have to buy by paying some money.

If you find the features of its free version less, then you can take the paid version, but when we use this app, we find the features of the free version very great.
Features of picsArt

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  • In PicsArt photo editing, you can change the backgroud of the photo according to you, if you want, you can change the entire backgroud.
  • In this app you get many types of Filters, Effects like HDR, Sketch, Blur, Artistic, Magic, Shadow, Rainy, using which you can make your photo very great.
  • You can put many photos on one photo and write on your photo and you can also put many types of stickers on your photo.
  • In this app you can edit short videos along with editing photos.

In this app, you can crop the size of the photo according to you, if you want to share on Instagram, then you can crop your photo in 1000 * 1000 ratio.

3) Snapseed Photo Editing App

Snapseed is a very great app for photo editing, some of its features are like picsart and this app works like picsart, in this you get less features than picsart but the special thing of this app is that it is Google’s editing app. Both Android or iOS users can download it for free and can edit their photos in a great way, friends, now we tell you its features.

Features of Snapseed Photo Editing App

  • Friends, with the help of this app, you can give a professional look to your simple photo.
  • The interface of this app is designed keeping in mind the user, you can easily edit your photo here.
  • Through this app, you can increase or decrease the Brightness, Shadows, Saturation, Ambiance, Highlight, Warmth of your photo as per your wish.
  • Friends, the special features of this app which I liked is that with the help of this app you can remove unwanted things like stains, pimples from your photo.
  • Friends, you will get to see many more features here, it is very easy to use it, if you do not use it, then you edit the photo two to three times and you will learn automatically.

4 ) Airbrush Photo Editor app

Friends, Airbrush is a very great app for photo editing, it is available on both Android and iOS platforms.

Friends, if you want to give a great look to your photo, then this app will help you a lot, this app is specially designed to edit human photo, its features are as follows, you can do pimple remover from your photo, skin smoothness, You can do red eye removal and you will get to see many more features in this app.

Friends, with the help of this app, you can blur the background of the photo and like all other apps, you will get to see basic features like text, filter, crop, effects etc.

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5) Photo editor pro

Friends Photo editor pro is a very popular photo editing app, it has got more than 50 million downloads on Google Playstore and more than 1 million people have given its positive review, in this app you will get basic feaures like all other apps. Along with this, some more features will be available like sharpen and blur modes, temperature control, saturation, hue, contrast, and brightness controls etc.

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In this app you will also get stickers, frames, filters etc. Using this we make our photo very great but if you want to use it and want to give a professional look to your photo then you can use it. are |

6) Open camera

Open camera is a very good photo editing app, here you will get to see basic features like sharpen and blur modes, saturation, and brightness controls like all the apps, along with this you will also get stickers, frames, filters etc in this app. Some advanced features are also available.

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But friends, the special thing about this app is that you will not get to see ads or watermark here and it is very easy to run this app. The interface of this app is designed keeping the user in mind. If you want, you can use this app, it is one of the Best 7 Photo Editing app for Android.

If you still have a problem after that, then you can watch videos on Youtube, many Youtubers have given reviews of all photo editing apps and have also taught them to run, then whatever photo editing app you want to know about on YouTube. Write the name of that app and search it, you will get a lot of information about that app.

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