Electronic marketing – STATUSGREET BLOG https://www.statusgreet.com/blog Tech | Tips | News Mon, 20 Dec 2021 07:00:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.statusgreet.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Electronic marketing – STATUSGREET BLOG https://www.statusgreet.com/blog 32 32 What is E-Marketing https://www.statusgreet.com/blog/what-is-emarketing.html https://www.statusgreet.com/blog/what-is-emarketing.html#respond Tue, 14 Sep 2021 07:25:53 +0000 https://www.statusgreet.com/blog/?p=626 Read more

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E-marketing : Electronic marketing is considered one of the biggest features of the online world. E-marketing means promoting any product online or promoting any product online. E-marketing is also known as online marketing or internet marketing.

Today almost all brands pay more attention towards e-marketing. There are many reasons for this. Let us know all those reasons, advantages and disadvantages of e-marketing, and most of all, how you can do e-marketing of your product.

Advantages Of E-Marketing

Friends, in the time of kings, whenever something was preached, some people were hired, who used to preach from village to village. A lot of time went into this. Times changed and we came to pamphlets and posters. Time started getting less, money started getting less.

Now a days Modern Offline Marketing still seems effective to the people, but it also has some problems. For example, if you want to cover more area, then more and more money will have to be spent. In such a situation, e-marketing is many times more effective than modern offline marketing.

Following are the advantages of e-marketing:

  • More Customer : In the least price, maximum number of customers can be targeted,
  • Cost: The cost involved in offline marketing is reduced by almost ten times. Where you spend Rs 2 or 3 per person offline, online it comes down to 5 to 10 paise, sometimes even less.
  • Data and Stats: After pasting an offline pamphlet or poster, you cannot know how many people have seen it, but through online marketing, you can easily find out how many people saw your ad. You even get to know from which keyword your ad is being seen, and can focus on the sub-keywords of that keyword next time.
  • Control: The worst feature of the offline market is that you have to invest whether you want the results according to you or not, on the contrary. In e-marketing, if you are able to see in the beginning that you are not getting results then you can also stop it.
  • Location Selection: In e-marketing, you can sort your customers according to location, interest etc. and create different categories of people, whereas this facility is unavailable in offline.

Disadvantages Of E-Marketing

Friends, just as every coin has many sides, in the same way, while there are many advantages of e-marketing, there are also some disadvantages. First of all, if you are not very knowledgeable about the Internet, then you cannot use it effectively. Although there are many companies for this, but they are not very economical.

Types Of Electronics Marketing

  • Email Marketing: You must have noticed that your mail box will keep on receiving mail almost throughout the day. These mails are part of e-marketing. Many companies promote their products by collecting emails. However, whether the mail will be opened or not depends largely on the title of the mail, so if you do email marketing, keep in mind that a boring mail can never attract the attention of customers.
  • Search Engine Optimization:  You can SEO your product according to the transaction keyword in such a way that it ranks up on Google search.
  • Paid Advertising: This includes advertising on Instagram, Facebook, etc., by doing drinks. In this you can do it yourself through Facebook, Instagram or Google Adword. This also includes websites.
  • Social Media Marketing: Friends, in the previous point we talked about social media, so how is this point different? In fact, if you want, you can get advertising done by contacting the profiles present here, apart from the algorithmic ads of Facebook or Instagram or Twitter etc.
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How to do E-marketing on Facebook?

  • You should create a page on Facebook because, without a page on Facebook, promotion cannot be done.
  • After that post any post on that page and below that post you will get the option of  “Boost”.
    Click on that option.
  • Create a category by choosing your interests and location.
  • Interest means where the interest or interest of the people you want to show your product should be. For example, if I want to sell a story book, then my readers should be interested in Technology, Kitchen book, Waste Land etc. I will choose them in interest, so that my ad reaches the right people.
  • In Location you enter the location. For example, if there is a Hindi book, then Hindi speaking states will have to be selected. If there is a Marathi book, then only of Marathi speaking states.
  • Select as far as you can make available to the customer.
  • Start your ad by creating a customer class, making a payment.
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How to Do E-Marketing On Instagram

  • You should create a page on Facebook because, without a page on Facebook, promotion cannot be done.
  • After that post any post on that page and below that post you will get the option of “Boost”.Click on that option.
  • Create a category by choosing your interests and location.
  • Interest means where the interest or interest of the people you want to show your product should be. For example, if I want to sell a story book, then my readers should be interested topic. I will choose them in interest, so that my ad reaches the right people.
  • In Location you enter the location.
  • Select as far as you can make available to the customer.Start your ad by creating a customer class, making a payment.

Friends, e-marketing is a very important feature of the internet. You can easily promote your product sitting at home through this. Technology has made the world much smaller and e-marketing is an example of that.

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