How to know your zodiac sign

Daily Horoscope | How to know your zodiac sign

Especially your horoscope will tell which aspects you need to pay more attention today, and what things should be protected from, will today’s zodiac take you on the path of progress or will it create obstacles. Come, let’s see what is the move of your stars.

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राशि भविष्य के बारे में हिंदी में जाने

In Vedic astrology, all these predictions are made for the twelve zodiac signs – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Similarly, predictions of 27 constellations given in the horoscope can be made. Each person has the qualities, nature and religion corresponding to his own zodiac, so according to the position of the planets with the native, the good and bad events that happen in daily life vary from day to day. For this reason, the horoscope varies per person, so the daily horoscopes given at Future Point are written according to accurate astronomical calculations. According to the daily horoscope, we have taken care of astrological calculations in detail in monthly and yearly horoscopes. In the annual horoscope, our astrologers studied various aspects like health, married life and love, wealth and prosperity, family and business and job-profession by studying the planetary movements, transiting changes and the calculations of the universe throughout the year. Complete information is given on the subject.

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Horoscope according to birth sign or horoscope according to your name?

According to the experienced astrologers of Future Point, it is best to see the horoscope of a person according to his birth sign. If the person does not know about his birth sign, then he can also see the horoscope from his name sign. In ancient times, the name of the person was kept according to his zodiac sign. Some astronomical astrologers and pundits also believe that there is no difference between birth sign and name sign, the results of both are same.

Horoscope based on Sun sign or Moon horoscope?

The calculation of the native’s zodiac is dependent on the Sun sign or on the Moon sign (Moon sign). In this statement, the calculation of the person’s zodiac according to the Sun sign (Sun Sign) will not give the correct results, so the Moon sign has been given more importance by the astrologers of India.

Native’s zodiac sign – how to know?

If a person is not aware of his zodiac sign and wants to know his zodiac sign, then he can use our future point’s zodiac calculator. By your name you can know your horoscope with future point zodiac calculator. Future Point Zodiac Calculator provides accurate information about your horoscope predictions.

On what basis to calculate the daily horoscope?

According to Indian astrology, the present position of the planets is called transit. The daily horoscope is based on the transit so that it can be seen in which house the native’s planet is located at present. The horoscope which is formed after considering the zodiac of the person as the Ascendant and establishing the planets of transit in it is the main basis of the horoscope, as well as the element wise, yoga, constellation and Karan of the Panchang are also calculated. The position and dasha of the planets are not used in the horoscope writing of the native.

Are your horoscope predictions correct?

According to the information given above, it is clear that the prediction is written on the basis of horoscope. The predictions by only twelve zodiac signs should be considered as general statements among the population of crores in the whole world. For complete information about the future, the complete horoscope should be studied by astrologers.

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आज का राशिफल हिंदी में जाने


This year Saturn will be in 10th house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in 2nd house in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter the eleventh house in Aquarius and will retrograde and transit in Capricorn on 14th September in the tenth house and will again move in the eleventh house in Aquarius on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

This year will be very good from the point of view of business. There is a possibility of ups and downs regarding money, but there will definitely be stability in your professional life. At the beginning of the year, due to the combined transitory effect of Jupiter and Saturn in the tenth house, you will get good benefits in your field of work. Your servants will also work honestly. With the promotion of the people doing the job, there may also be transfer to the desired place. You will get full cooperation of the employees working under you. Persons doing work related to land will also get benefit.

wealth wealth

The beginning of the year will be generally favorable from the financial point of view. Rahu of the 2nd house is creating the sum of ups and downs in the financial situation. It is necessary to be careful in the matter of investment. Do not invest money in risky activities. On the fourth house, due to the combined vision of Jupiter and Saturn, things like land, building and vehicles will be obtained.

Family and society

From the family point of view, the beginning of the year will be very favorable, due to the joint vision effect of Jupiter and Saturn in the fourth place, there will be an atmosphere of happiness and peace in your family. You will get the support of the whole family including parents. There will be a change in both the manner and behavior of your conversation. There will be success in love affairs. Rahu located in the second house can affect the health of a person in the family, as well as there may be ideological differences, so there is a need to control the speech.


Your children will prosper. Good news will be received regarding the first child. Good progress has also been made in the field of education. If your child is eligible for marriage, then his marriage ceremony can take place. With the effect of Jupiter’s vision on the fifth house, newly married people can get a child gem.


This year, you will try to learn Ayurveda and various methods of health and growth like yoga, exercise and meditation etc., as well as eat vegetarian food to keep your health friendly. There is no risk of any chronic disease. You will be happy and content and your work abilities will develop.

Career and competitive exams

This year is especially auspicious for competitive exams. Time is very good for students pursuing vocational education. Students’ interest in education will increase. You are bound to get employment this year. Those who are looking for a job, make the most of this auspicious time.

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This year will be normal in terms of travel. No special journey is being planned in the beginning of the year. Due to the sight of Jupiter in the third place, there will be short trips, but Saturn’s vision at the twelfth place can also make foreign trips. There are strong chances of transfer as well as promotion of the working people.

Dharma work and planetary peace

This year, you will take special interest in worship, devotion to God etc. Due to the position of Ketu in the eighth house, you will be engaged in some secret spiritual practice. • Offer food to a Brahmin on Amavasya Tithi. • Recite Maa Durga Kavach daily. • Establish a Shree Yantra in your house and light a lamp of ghee in front of it.


This year, Saturn will be in the ninth house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in the first house in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter the tenth house in Aquarius and will retrograde and transit in the ninth house in Capricorn on 14th September and will again move to the tenth house in Aquarius on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

From the point of view of business, this year will be better than last year. You will have continuous success in work. You will progress in business through your luck and deeds. Your business will expand. The guru in the tenth house can promote the job seekers. People doing land related work will get benefit. Those who do their work will get good profit.

Wealth wealth

This year will be auspicious from financial point of view. Your financial condition will be good. Due to the influence of Saturn in the eleventh place, there will be continuity in income. With the influence of Jupiter in the second and fourth house, one can get land, building, vehicle as well as gems, jewelery etc. Money will be spent in the auspicious works of your family members and relatives. If you have to make a big investment, then definitely take the advice of experienced people associated with that field. After September 14, the guru of the ninth place can spend money in religious works and travels.

Family and society

Starting of the year will be favorable from family point of view. You will get the support of elders in the family, due to which you will get mental happiness and your attraction towards the family will also increase. You will get social status and prestige this year. The family situation will become more favorable after the transit of Jupiter. Full support of family including parents will be available. Due to the effect of Rahu in the seventh house, the health of your spouse is not favorable, you may remain unrest and there may be ideological differences.


This year will be particularly favorable from the point of view of children. Your children will progress on the strength of their destiny. They will achieve their goal on their intellectual strength. If you keep raising the morale of your children, then they will achieve their goals. This year you will be completely satisfied about the progress of your children and their respect and good relations with them.

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Health will be good in the beginning of the year. The fifth sight of the Navamastha Guru will be on the Ascendant, due to its effect, there are strong indications of attainment of physical health and increase in work abilities. Mental peace, happiness and positive thinking will increase. Rahu in the Ascendant may suddenly cause minor health-related problems. Therefore, take special care in the matter of food and drink.

Career and competitive exams

This year will be favorable for the students. Making good yoga for the students. Their interest in the field of education will increase. To get higher education, you will get admission in a good institute. After April, people preparing for competitive exams will get success due to the combined vision effect of Jupiter and Saturn in the sixth place. Those who are looking for a job will get a job.


There are strong chances of a long journey. Travels will also bring luck. You may also make friends with someone during this journey. Along with the promotion in the job, there will also be a transfer to the desired place. You will also travel to your native land or mother’s residence.


This year, Saturn will be in the eighth house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in the twelfth house in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter the ninth house in Aquarius and will retrograde and transit in the eighth house in Capricorn on 14th September and will again move to the ninth house in Aquarius on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

This year will be generally fruitful from the point of view of business. You will get success in the field of work on the strength of your hard work. You will experience difficulty in accomplishing your tasks. Your work area may be obstructed by secret enemies. Postpone the plans to start a new business for some time. Keep working according to your intellectual power. Persons doing jobs will be transferred. Don’t leave your job out of anger.

Wealth wealth

Starting of the year will be favorable from financial point of view. You will be able to make some financial savings due to the combined vision effect of Jupiter and Saturn at the second place. There can be general benefit of gems, jewelery etc. Some disruptions may be present in the matter of real estate. In the matter of purchase and sale of property, take the final decision after thinking carefully. Do not make any big investment, there may be financial loss.

Family and society

The beginning of the year will be favorable for the family. Due to the combined vision effect of Jupiter and Saturn at the second place, there will be an atmosphere of happiness and peace in your family. There is a chance of growth of a member in the family. You will get the support of family. There may be concerns regarding children. After April 6, there will be an increase in social prestige. This time will be auspicious for brothers and your might will increase. After the transit of Jupiter, there will be less cooperation in social activities.


The beginning of the year will generally not be favorable from the point of view of children. Be careful about their health and keep them away from mental stress. This year will be normal for the second child. Newly married people can get a child gem this year. Overall, this year will be fluctuating in terms of children.


This year will not be favorable in terms of health. Due to the influence of the eighth Jupiter and Saturn, there may be some trouble due to weather-borne diseases. If you already have a disease, then there is a greater need for abstinence. Along with your diet, your routine should also improve. Along with exercise in the morning, yoga should also be practiced. Avoid mental stress and do not get distracted due to ups and downs in professional and family life and maintain mental balance. Otherwise your health will be adversely affected.

Career and competitive exams

At the beginning of the year, you will not get special auspicious results in terms of success in competitive examinations. If you want to get admission in a higher institute for higher education, then you will be admitted after 6th April. Those people who have not got their job yet may have to wait longer.


This year will give mixed results in terms of travel. There is a strong possibility of foreign travel this year. Time is very favorable for going abroad to get higher education, but travels for business purposes will not be particularly auspicious. After April 6, the transit of Jupiter will be in the ninth house. You will have a long journey at that time. You will earn merit by doing religious journey. From September 14, the conjunction effect of Jupiter and Saturn will be in the eighth house. At that time your chances of traveling abroad will be more intense. Take care of your health while traveling.

Cancer zodiac sign

This year, Saturn will be in the seventh house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in the eleventh house in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter the eighth house in Aquarius and will retrograde and transit in the seventh house in Capricorn on 14th September and will again move to the eighth house in Aquarius on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

This year will be very auspicious from the point of view of business and you will also get opportunities to benefit from success, progress and new business in business. If you are doing any work in partnership then you will get desired benefits and you will be satisfied with your partner. New sources of income are expected to be found. If you start any new work during this period, then there is every possibility of getting success in it. You will get the support of experienced and senior people and the job seekers will get respect and respect at their workplace.

Wealth wealth

Financially, this year will be very auspicious. Rahu in the eleventh house is suddenly creating the sum of money. You will be able to make the desired savings and will be engaged in earning money with integrity. We will try our best to strengthen our financial position. You will spend money on auspicious works in the family. If someone wants to make a big investment, then the time is favorable for that too. Money can also be gained from your in-laws’ side.

Family and society

This year will be favorable for the family. Your weight will be fruitful and happy. With the effect of Jupiter’s vision on the fourth and second place, an atmosphere of happiness and peace will be created in your family. There is a chance of growth of a member in the family. There are some possibilities of marriage this year which are not very strong. For the children, this time is bringing signs of some troubles and ups and downs throughout the year. There will be an increase in social prestige due to the sight of Jupiter in the third place.


For the children, this time is bringing signs of some troubles and ups and downs throughout the year. This year is worrying in terms of the health of the children. The position of Ketu in the fifth house will keep your child brilliant even in adverse circumstances. After September 14, the transit of Jupiter will again be in the seventh house. After that time will be favorable again. Time will be very good for your second child. There are little chances of her getting married.


Starting of the year will be favorable in terms of health. Good thoughts will come in the mind due to the joint vision of Jupiter and Saturn at the Ascendant. So that every work will be done in a positive way. You will be interested in collecting information about a balanced diet for the development of your personality and will learn meditation and yoga activities under the guidance of a competent person. Even if there is some weather borne illness, you will get well soon. From 6th April to 14th September the time may be slightly affected. After that it will be compatible again. Eat only pure vegetarian food, there will be no problems in health.

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Career and competitive exams

This year will be normal for the students. If you want to get success in the competitive examination, then you will need to work hard as the time is not favorable. The aspirant of higher education will be able to achieve success relatively rarely in the work areas according to their interest. After April 6, the transit of Jupiter will be in the eighth house. Concentrate your mind and focus on your goal.


This year you will be happy and engaged in your work at your place and will not take much interest in traveling etc. There will be transfer of job seekers for a short period of time. The transit of the eighth and seventh house of Jupiter can cause such a journey for a short time due to some urgent work, which will not make you particularly happy.

Leo sun sign

This year, Saturn will be in the sixth house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in the tenth house in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter the seventh house in Aquarius and will retrograde and transit in the sixth house in Capricorn on 14th September and will again move to the seventh house in Aquarius on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

From the point of view of business, this year will be very fruitful. You will get sudden progress in your professional life due to Dasamstha Rahu. Your enemies and rivals will be defeated. You will be victorious in all fields. You will achieve a new position in your field of work on the strength of your hard work. From April 6 to September 14, Jupiter will transit in the seventh house. With its effect, business relations will be strengthened and you will get good partnership offers with many new people. If you are doing any work in partnership, you will get good benefits. There will be transfer of people who do jobs after September.

Wealth wealth

This year will be good from financial point of view. Your financial condition will remain strong throughout the year. There will be an increase in income due to sudden progress in professional life. After April 6, the transit of the planet Jupiter in the seventh house is becoming possible to get money through business or friends, spouse and partners. You may also gain money from your spouse.

Family and society

If seen at the family level, despite the busyness of professional life, you will efficiently discharge all the responsibilities of the family. You will get full support of your life partner. Your brothers will prosper. You will actively participate in social activities. Your enemies will also respect you.

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The beginning of the year will be normal for children. You may remain worried about your children this year. But the chances of your first child’s career and wealth growth are also there. Time will be good for your second child. He will get success in every field, but sometimes there will be physical pain too.


Starting of the year will be favorable in terms of health. Do not worry about minor health problems as no disease will be long term. Good and positive thoughts will come in the mind. Confidence will increase and work abilities will improve and your personality will start developing completely.

Career and competitive exams

Will be at the fore in the competitive examination. By meeting some experienced people, you will improve your working style more, you will get the support of government officials and senior people, which can be beneficial in your work. This year is especially auspicious for success in competitive exams. Unemployed people are likely to get jobs. From April 6 to September 14, the time may be slightly affected. After that it will be compatible again.


It will be completely favorable from the point of view of travel. Occasionally, trips will continue to happen. You will also spend a lot of money on these trips. People doing jobs will be transferred to a suitable place with sudden progress. You will travel to some picturesque tourist place with your family. There are strong chances of traveling abroad.

Virgo sun sign

This year, Saturn will be in the fifth house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in the ninth house in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter the sixth house in Aquarius and will retrograde and will transit in Capricorn on 14th September in the fifth house and will again move in the sixth house in Aquarius on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

This year will be auspicious in terms of business. In the beginning of the year, there will be good profit from work business. Time will become more favorable after 6th April. You can start something new. The person doing the job will get respect at his work place. After 14th September, there are chances of further increase in your profit.

Wealth wealth

This year will be favorable from financial point of view. Due to the combined vision effect of Jupiter and Saturn at the eleventh place, there will be continuity in your wealth. Your source of income will be more robust. Apart from the means of entertainment, you can also expect monetary benefits from the progress of the children. You will also benefit from share market and speculative activities.

Family and society

This year will be mixed from the family point of view. Due to extra busyness in the beginning of the year, you will not be able to give much time to the family members. But there will be an atmosphere of happiness and peace in the family. Due to the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the fifth house, newly married people will get child happiness. You will continue to receive affection and benefits from your elders. There will be gain in respect and prestige in the society. From 6th April to 14th September the time may be slightly affected. After that it will be compatible again. This year is auspicious for the progress of children.


Due to the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the fifth house, newly married people will get child happiness. The beginning of the year will be favorable for children. Your children’s interest in education will increase. To get higher education, you will get admission in a higher institution. If he is eligible for marriage, then his marriage ceremony will also take place. The planetary transit is particularly auspicious for the income and might of your second child.


Starting of the year will be favorable from the point of view of health. You will be mentally satisfied and physically healthy due to the effect of Jupiter’s vision on the Ascendant. From April 6 to September 14, the transit of Jupiter will be in the sixth house. During this period, your health may become slightly unfavorable and may suddenly become ill. Doing exercise or yoga in the morning will be beneficial for you. Time after 14th September is favorable for health.

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Career and competitive exams

This year will be generally fruitful for competitive examinations. There will be success in career. Time is good for those seeking vocational education. The beginning of the year will be very good for the students. There will be opportunities for getting employment after 6th April.


Rahu in the ninth house can take you for a long journey. You will undertake all kinds of journeys this year. You can also travel abroad after 6th April. There are chances of relocation and transfer in the job. Overall, this year is auspicious for travels.


This year, Saturn will be in the fourth house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in the eighth house in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter the fifth house in Aquarius and will retrograde and transit in the fourth house in Capricorn on 14th September and will again move to the fifth house in Aquarius on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

Starting of the year will be very good from the point of view of business. Due to the combined vision effect of Jupiter and Saturn at the tenth place, you will get good benefits in your own field of work. From time to time, benefits will also be received from higher officials. On the strength of work efficiency and efficiency, you will also find solutions to your problems. You will remain energetic in daily work and will continue to do well in the field. There are strong chances of promotion of the employed people. From 6th April to 14th September your business will get better. You will get success in consulting work.

Wealth wealth

This year will be generally favorable from financial point of view. There will be continuity in wealth, but due to high family expenses, you will not be able to save. Due to the influence of Saturn and Jupiter in the fourth house, there will be investment in family happiness and land, building and vehicle etc. If you invest money in any business, you will get profit in it, but avoid taking risks in the matter of investment. A feeling of mutual cooperation will arise in you, which will help you in earning money. After April 6, the time will be more favorable.

Family and society

Starting of the year will be favorable from family point of view. In the beginning of the year, due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter in the fourth place, there will be an atmosphere of happiness and peace in your family. You will get the support of the family and auspicious work will be done in the family. Favorable results will be obtained in the matter of children in the interval from 6th April to 14th September.


The beginning of the year will be normal from the point of view of children. But after April 6, the transit of Jupiter will be in the fifth house. At that time newly married persons can get the child gem. Your children will prosper. Good news will be received regarding the first child. If your child is eligible for marriage, then his marriage ceremony can take place.


This year will be normal in terms of health. Sometimes you are troubled by weather-borne diseases, then soon you will get well. After 6th April, due to the influence of Jupiter on the Ascendant, your immunity will increase and your interest in activities related to personality development like vegetarian diet, yoga and exercise etc. will increase. There may be some mental tension after 14th September and Ashtamastha Rahu is also creating the sum of sudden deterioration of health. So keep donating to Rahu.

Career and competitive exams

This year will be normal for competitive candidates. You need to work hard to get success in your career. After 6th April, the Guru of the fifth house is making very good yoga for the students. To get higher education, you will get admission in a good institute.


In the beginning of the year, no special journey is being planned. After 6th April, due to the influence of Jupiter in ninth place, strong yoga is being formed for your long journey. Rahu of the eighth house can travel abroad through the sea. People living far away from their place of birth will get pleasure by traveling to the place of birth along with their family. There will be transfer along with promotion of the people doing the job.


This year, Saturn will be in the third house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in the seventh house in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter the fourth house in Aquarius and will retrograde and move to the third house in Capricorn on 14th September and will again move to the fourth house in Aquarius on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

During this period, you will achieve success in business and work on the strength of your hard work. After April 6, there will be a possibility of professional progress and profit from higher officials due to the effect of Jupiter on the tenth house. Your work area may be obstructed by secret enemies. Therefore, without trusting anyone, keep working according to your intellectual power. There are chances of sudden progress in the business sector. Persons with jobs will get respect at their place.

Wealth wealth

In the beginning of the year, due to the influence of Jupiter at the eleventh place, there will be continuity in wealth. Manglik works will be completed in the family. In which your money can be spent. After April 6, the transit of Jupiter will be in the fourth house. At that time you can get land, building, vehicle etc.

Family and society

This year will be favorable from family point of view. Due to the combined transit effect of Jupiter and Saturn in the third place, your might and working abilities will develop. Your respect in the society will increase. You will get victory over your enemies. Rahu in the seventh house is of some concern in the health of the life partner. Avoid getting into a situation of ideological differences with your life partner and unnecessary estrangement or debate. After 6th April, your domestic environment will be favorable due to the influence of the fourth Jupiter. Will get the support of parents. Manglik works will be completed in your family. After September 14, your attraction towards social work will increase.


This year will show the effect of their luck in the education of children, their attachment to their parents and family prosperity. The tasks which were stuck for some time will start getting done due to the contribution or luck of the children. The problems related to the income of your children will be resolved and their might, influence and income will increase continuously.


Due to busyness of social activities, you will not get enough time to pay proper attention to your health. It would be better if you maintain discipline in your daily life and food and do not be careless. There are no signs of any special health-related problems this year. Throughout the year, your health and well-being will remain healthy and work abilities and self-confidence will increase.

Career and competitive exams

This year will be generally favorable for the students. If you are going to appear in any competitive examination to get a job or to get admission in a big institute, then you can have full hope of success. To get success in the competitive examination, you should prepare with determination. Due to the sight of Saturn in the fifth house, your interest in studies will increase and you will get more success in the technical field.

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From the point of view of travel, this year will be very good. In the beginning of the year, due to the combined transit effect of Saturn and Jupiter in the third place, you will have short journeys as well as long journeys. In the interval from 6th April to 14th September, there are chances of traveling to your place of birth. After that you will earn merit by doing religious journey. The job seekers will be transferred to their desired place.


This year Saturn will be in 2nd house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in 6th house in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter the third house in Aquarius and will retrograde and transit Capricorn to the 2nd house on 14th September and will again move to the third house in Aquarius on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

This year will be good from a professional point of view. At the beginning of the year, due to the aspect of Jupiter in the tenth house, you can start a new business. Avoid big investments. Do not make risky investments at all. Due to the influence of Rahu in the sixth house, the enemies and rivals will be completely destroyed and there will definitely increase in business dominance. You will also get the help of senior people in business. Those who are working in partnership business will get good success after 6th April. Those who do jobs after September 14 will be promoted. Those doing land related work should invest their money very carefully, otherwise the desired profit will not be there.

Wealth wealth

From the financial point of view, the beginning of the year will be good. Due to the effect of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the second place, there will be continuity in your wealth. With which you can make your financial condition strong by making the desired savings. There will also be happiness in gems, jewelery etc. There is a possibility of acquiring ancestral property. You will spend money on auspicious works in the family. Be careful in investing this year and do not invest in risky activities at all.

Family and society

From the family point of view, the beginning of the year will be good. In the beginning of the year, due to the effect of the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at the second place, there will be an increase in any member of your family. This growth can happen through marriage or birth. Due to the feeling of devotion towards each other in your family, there will be an atmosphere of happiness and peace. There will be a need to pay attention to the health of the mother. Due to the effect of Rahu in the sixth house, the enemies will be completely destroyed and there will definitely increase in social dominance.


This year will be normal in terms of children. Your children will progress on the strength of their hard work. He will achieve his goal on his intellectual strength. If you want to get higher education then you will get admission in good institute. After April 6th, the timing is going well for your second child. He will be at the forefront of achieving his goal. If he is eligible for marriage, then his marriage ceremony can also take place.


This year will be normal in terms of health. Leaving minor ailments, this year is favorable for you. If you already have a disease, then you need more abstinence. Along with food, you need to pay special attention to your daily routine. Do yoga practice in the morning along with exercise. Make good use of your time and try to improve your lifestyle. Do not get tensed about any financial issue or because of any opponent. Do not become irritable otherwise all this will have a special effect on your health.

Career and competitive exams

This year will be very good for career and competitive exams. With the influence of Rahu in the sixth position, you will get success in competitive examinations. If you want to go abroad for higher education, then the time is very favorable for that. Persons who are doing electronic or hardware related work. He will get good success in his career. This year you will leave all your enemies and move ahead.


This year, distant journeys will be postponed, but from time to time there will be travels nearby. Which will generally prove beneficial for you. After 6th April, you can have a long journey due to the effect of Jupiter in ninth place. Along with this, you will also get the pleasure of religious travel. After 14th September, it is absolutely necessary to keep concentration while driving vehicles.


This year, Saturn will be in the first house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter Aquarius and will retrograde and transit Capricorn in the first house on 14th September and will again enter Aquarius in the 2nd house on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

Starting of the year will be favorable from the point of view of business. With the combined vision effect of Jupiter and Saturn on the seventh house, you will achieve success in business and work. Due to which there will be continuity in income. New sources of income are expected. Time is very good to start any new business. Jupiter in ascendant will give birth to new ideologies and new schemes, which you can take proper advantage of. After April 6, the transit of Jupiter will be in the second house. At that time be more cautious about your business. If you are doing any business in partnership then after 14th September you will get the desired profit. The people doing the job will get respect at their place. Will continue to work happily at his work place.

Wealth wealth

From the financial point of view, the beginning of the year will be normal. Due to business compatibility, there will be continuity in wealth. After April 6, the transit of Jupiter will be in the second house. At that point you may be able to make the desired savings. If you are looking to invest your money somewhere, then this is a golden opportunity for you. If there is a case litigation on the ancestral property, then the result will be in your favor. Gems, jewellery etc. can also be obtained.

Family and society

From the family point of view, the beginning of the year will be normal. After April 6, the Guru located in the second place will maintain an atmosphere of happiness and peace in the family. You will get the support of your entire family. There may be an increase in someone in your family. Rahu in the fifth house can spoil the health of your son. Socially this year will be normal. After September 14, you will get full support of your life partner or you can also have friendship with someone.


The beginning of the year will not be very good from the point of view of children. Rahu in the fifth house can affect the health of your children. Due to which his studies may get affected. Pregnant women need to be extra careful otherwise miscarriage may occur. After 6th April, due to the transiting effect of the planet Jupiter in the second house, the time will be good for the children and they will get success in their work. After September 14, the time will be very favorable for your second child. If he is eligible for marriage then his marriage ceremony can take place.


Starting of the year will be favorable in terms of health. Your health will remain favorable due to the effect of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the Ascendant. Due to the influence of the auspicious planet at the Ascendant, good thoughts will always come in your mind. Due to which you will be mentally satisfied. You will do everything in a positive way. If there is no disease already, then your health will be good throughout the year. For good health, you will pay special attention to food and drink and will also keep your routine right. If there is any weather borne illness, you will get well soon. Your time will be affected from 6th April to 14th September. After that it will be compatible again.

Career and competitive exams

This year will be normal for you in terms of success in competitive examinations. If you want to get admission in a higher educational institution for higher education, then the beginning of the year is favorable for you. The time is good for the students due to the influence of Jupiter in the fifth house. Competitive exams are going to be toughest. Those people who have not got their job yet, those people can get job before 14th September. After September, the time will again become favorable for the students.


This year will be generally favorable in terms of travel. In the beginning of the year, there will be travels related to the seventh business. There will be near-term travels due to the influence of Saturn in the third place. There are strong chances of traveling abroad after 6th April. Caution is very important while driving a vehicle.


This year, Saturn will be in the twelfth house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in the fourth house in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter the first house in Aquarius and will retrograde and transit Capricorn on 14th September in the twelfth house and will again move to the first house in Aquarius on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

Starting of the year will not be favorable from the business point of view. You have to work tirelessly to get success in your business. Do not start any new work during this time interval. Run the business already running in a proper and systematic manner and avoid unnecessary and risky investments. Persons doing jobs will be transferred. This change can also happen at a place unfavorable to you. From 6th April to 14th September, you can take some benefits in your business due to the effect of Jupiter in the seventh house. Jupiter in the Ascendant will give birth to new ideas and new plans, which you can take advantage of in your business.

Wealth wealth

This year will not be favorable from financial point of view. The path of wealth may get affected due to which you will not be able to make the desired savings. It is necessary to be careful in matters of investment. Do not invest money in risky activities. Think carefully and decide on the ways to earn money fast. This is not a favorable time to take risks. There is a possibility of sudden loss. Your money may also be spent in physical illness. From 6th April to 14th September your time can be favorable. This year you are likely to get sudden wealth.

Family and society

From family point of view, this year will be mixed. Due to extra busyness in the beginning of the year, you will not be able to give much time to the family members. The sight of Saturn in the 2nd house can create an atmosphere of bitterness in the family environment, due to which you may have ideological differences with someone. Rahu in 4th house can spoil your mother’s health. Therefore, their health needs special attention. Time will be more affected from 6 April to 14 September. After September, you will get full support of maternal uncle.


The year is favorable from the point of view of children. On 6th April, the transit of Jupiter will be in the Ascendant. At that time your children will be at the peak of progress. The timing is great for your second child, too. If he is worthy of marriage, then there are complete chances of marriage. After September 14, the time will be slightly unfavorable. At that time their health may get affected. Be careful about their health.

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Starting of the year will not be favorable in terms of health. The transit of Jupiter and Saturn in the twelfth house is not good for your health. If you are already suffering from any disease then this time can be more troublesome. After April 6, the Jupiter of the Ascendant will give rise to good thoughts in the mind. For good health, you will take pure vegetarian food only. Your health may be affected again after 14th September. Both the planets being in the sign of air element can give problems related to breathing.

Career and competitive exams

This year will be good for the competitive examination, due to the combined vision of Saturn and Jupiter at the sixth place, you will be at the forefront of the competitive examination. You will improve your working style by meeting some experienced persons. Unemployed people are likely to get jobs. Time after 14th September is auspicious for students. There will be chances of getting higher education.


The beginning of the year is favorable for travel. Due to the effect of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at the twelfth place, strong yogas are being made for foreign travel. After 6th April, the sight of the planet Jupiter at the ninth place is making yoga of distant travel. Due to the influence of Saturn in the twelfth place, you may also have to face physical pain during the journey. You need to be careful while traveling or while driving.


This year, Saturn will be in the eleventh house in Capricorn and Rahu will be in the third house in Taurus. On 6th April, Jupiter will enter the twelfth house in Aquarius and will retrograde and transit in the eleventh house in Capricorn on 14th September and will again move in the twelfth house in Aquarius on 20th November. Mars will transit at its easy pace. From February 17 to April 19, Venus will be setting.

Work profession

This year will be very fruitful from the point of view of business. At the beginning of the year, the sight of Jupiter at the seventh place is making the sum of progress in business. If you are going to do something new, then you will get the support of experienced people related to that field. Due to which the amount of success in your work will increase further. You will get good profit in your business. You will get full cooperation of your brothers in business. From April 6 to September 14, the transit of Jupiter will be in the twelfth house. At that time there are chances of profit from external relations. There are totals of transfers in this period. After September it will be more favorable.

Wealth wealth

Starting of the year will be good from financial point of view. Due to the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the eleventh house, there will be continuity in wealth. With which you will be able to strengthen your financial position by making the desired savings. After April 6, the transit of Jupiter will be in the twelfth house. At that time there will be unnecessary expenditure of money. You will spend money on auspicious work in the family. After September 14, you can get your stalled money and can also get sudden monetary gains.

Family and society

This year will be good from family point of view. Due to your busy schedule, you will not be able to give more time to your family members. But your family environment will be favorable. You will get full support of brothers. Between April 6 and September 14, your family environment may be affected a bit. But after September it will be very good. Rahu in third place will increase your social prestige. You will actively participate in social activities.


The beginning of the year will be very favorable from the point of view of children. Your children will progress due to the combined vision effect of Jupiter and Saturn in the fifth house. There are strong chances of getting a child gem for newly married people. Your child’s education will improve. If your second child is eligible for marriage, then his marriage will be sanskar. From 6th April to 14th September the time will be slightly unfavorable but after September it will become favorable again.


Starting of the year will be favorable in terms of health. You will be mentally satisfied. Will do everything in a positive way. If there is no disease already, then the beginning of the year will be healthy. For good health, diet and routine will also be kept right. If there is any weather borne disease then you will get well soon. From April 6 to September 14, Jupiter in the twelfth place can affect your health a little. But after September it will be favorable again.

Career and competitive exams

This year will be favorable for you in terms of success in competitive examinations. It is possible for students to get admission in a higher educational institution with the influence of Jupiter in the fifth house. Those people who have not got their job yet, they can get job after 14th September.


This year will be generally favorable in terms of travel. After April 6, the guru of the twelfth place can make you travel abroad. There are also chances of transfer to the desired place. Rahu of the third house will continue to make short journeys. Due to the aspect of Jupiter in the fourth house, people living away from their homes may travel to their native land.

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